Don’t plead guilty and pay a fine without a free consultation first

A summary offense, also known as a non-traffic citation, is the most minor type of criminal offense in Pennsylvania. Even though summary offenses are similar to traffic tickets they can still have severe penalties. A conviction will show on your criminal record and could impact your education and/or employment.

Most summary offenses can be punished by up to 90 days in jail and/or a $300 fine. However, some summary offenses carry mandatory jail time or driver’s license suspensions.

Call McDermott Defense now to speak with an attorney regarding your summary citation. Our firm has handled countless summary trials in Pittsburgh and throughout all counties in Western Pennsylvania.

If we can not negotiate an outcome that is beneficial to you, then we will proceed to a hearing in front of the magistrate. At that hearing we will be able to cross examine the police officer and any witnesses, as well as present our own witnesses and any evidence we may have. Attorney McDermott’s jury trial experience will have you prepared for whatever happens.



CRIMINAL MISCHIEF – (Damage is $150 or less)
RETAIL THEFT (Under $150 and first offense)



If you are convicted of a summary offense and the conviction is not appealed or expunged, then the conviction can stay on your record and will appear during background checks for employment, school, loans, etc.

A summary appeal can be filed within 30 days of your conviction. In some instances it is even possible to appeal after the 30 day period by filing a Nunc Pro Tunc. Summary appeals are heard by a Court of Common Pleas Judge.

Even charges that are dismissed or withdrawn will continue to show on your criminal record. However, the dismissed/withdrawn charges, including misdemeanors and felonies, may be immediately expunged. This process removes the charges entirely from your criminal record. Additionally, even summary convictions can be expunged after 5 years.

If you have been convicted, or even charged with a summary offense, and want them removed call McDermott Defense now at 412-407-7023. We have experience moving expungements through the system quickly and correctly.