Being charged with a felony or misdemeanor offense can be a very frightening situation. Contact The Law Office of Brian McDermott immediately to know your rights before you make any agreements with or statements to the police. Additionally, there may be important evidence that may need to be preserved to make sure that the officers did not perform an illegal search and seizure. Our office has successfully represented many individuals charged with felony or misdemeanor offenses.

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DUI’s carry severe consequences, including jail time. Our main goal with every DUI case is a full dismissal and we must move quickly to make sure all evidence is preserved. Depending on the circumstances of your case there may be dash cam video from the police cruiser. Additionally, there my be issues with the field sobriety tests and/or blood or breath test results. Preserving this evidence is crucial to in providing the most effective defense possible. If your constitutional rights have been violated The Law Office of Brian McDermott will aggressively fight to have the traffic stop or evidence suppressed.

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A summary offense, also known as a non-traffic citation, is the most minor type of criminal offense in Pennsylvania. Even though summary offenses are similar to traffic tickets they can still have severe penalties. Most summary offenses can be punished by up to 90 days in jail and a $300 fine. However, some summary offenses carry mandatory jail time or driver’s license suspensions.

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In Pennsylvania traffic violations can have severe consequences, including a license suspension. Don’t go into a hearing unprepared. Attorney McDermott has successfully defended clients charged with these offenses.

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Even if you weren’t drinking you can be charged with underage drinking. Under Pennsylvania law anyone under 21 years of age who attempts to purchase, purchases, consumes, possesses or knowingly and intentionally transports alcohol can be found guilty of underage drinking. For a first offense that involves a mandatory 90 day license suspension. It could even carry jail time for those over 18 years old.

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